News and Events


Abercorn Pardovan Kingscavil and Winchburgh Parish: Service times and Intimations 30 March 2025Posted by Billy Taylor on 29th March 2025

Our services for Sunday 30 March 2025 Kingscavil Church 10.00am, All Welcome

Abercorn, Pardovan, Kingscavil and Winchburgh Parish 

Church notices, week commencing 30th March 2025

Kirk Session meets 8th April 2025 in Winchburgh Church at 7.30pm.

Coffee and Chat Friday 4th April 2025, 10.00am – 12 noon. 

Carers of West Lothian (CoWL) Are you an unpaid carer or disabled adult living in West Lothian? If so, then book into one of weekly advice session and have a chat with a member of the team! At Friday Coffee and Chat every Friday. See poster

Coffee Morning. – Raised £1,137.63 (+£87.50 Gift aid to claim) for church funds; a fantastic result to a busy and well supported day. Thanks to the Fundraising Team for organising this event and all who helped and supported it. 

An exhibition of Philpstoun memorabilia will be held in Philpstoun Community Centre Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March, 1pm – 4pm. Refreshments available. 

Silent Auction in Winchburgh Church Tuesday 6th May 2025, 7.00pm. Donations for the auction can be given to Sheena, Hilda and Joyce.

Painting: The interior of Winchburgh Church is in dire need of painting. We initially thought this would be part of the renovations at the back of the church, but this is not likely to happen this year. 

The Kirk Session is mindful that our finances are not in great shape. We intend to paint the church ourselves using our own (free) labour and fund the cost of the paint from donations. If you would like to make a donation you can do so in the box at the back of the church or give it to an Elder. We estimate the cost of the paint would be circa £1,000.00; the work would start after Easter.  If you are a tax payer and have not already signed a gift aid form but would like to do so, please see the Treasurer, George Taylor. Recovering the tax adds 25% to the value of your gift. Thank you for your help and generosity. 

The Stated Annual Meeting of the Congregation, 27 April 2025 in Winchburgh Church after the service. 

Easter Services:

Maundy Thursday, 17 April, Kingscavil Church 7.30pm - Communion

Easter Day: Auldcathie Bridge 8.00am, meet at Winchburgh 7.30am

Easter Day United service in Abercorn Church 10.00am - Communion

This week’s worship: 

Readings:         Old Testament: Psalm 32

New Testament: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

Hymns CH4: 153, 351, 544, 553, 160. Blessing 786.

May the God of Peace go with us as we travel from this place may the love of Jesus keep us firm in hope and full of grace.           

    Ian Jamieson. (b1939)                                                                                                      

Abercorn Pardovan Kingscavil and Winchburgh Parish: Service times and Intimations 23 March 2025Posted by Billy Taylor on 22nd March 2025

Our services for Sunday 23 March 2025, Abercorn Church 10.00am, Winchburgh Church 11.30am. All Welcome

Abercorn, Pardovan, Kingscavil and Winchburgh Parish 

Church notices, week commencing 23rd March 2025

Coffee and Chat Friday 28thMarch 2025, 10.00am – 12 noon. 

Carers of West Lothian (CoWL) Are you an unpaid carer or disabled adult living in West Lothian? If so, then book into one of weekly advice session and have a chat with a member of the team! At Friday Coffee and Chat every Friday. See poster

Coffee Morning yesterday. – Raised £1,051.63 (+£87.50 Gift aid to claim) for church funds; a fantastic result to a busy and well supported day. Thanks to the Fundraising Team for organising this event and all who helped and supported it. 

Bathgate Orchestra Concert in Winchburgh Church Friday 28 March 2025 at 7.30pm – entrance by donation. See poster. 

An exhibition of Philpstoun memorabilia will be held in Philpstoun Community Centre Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March, 1pm – 4pm. Refreshments available. 

Silent Auction in Winchburgh Church Tuesday 6th May 2025, 7.00pm. Donations for the auction can be given to Sheena, Hilda and Joyce.

Painting: The interior of Winchburgh Church is in dire need of painting. We initially thought this would be part of the renovations at the back of the church, but this is not likely to happen this year. 

The Kirk Session is mindful that our finances are not in great shape. 

We intend to paint the church ourselves using our own (free) labour and fund the cost of the paint from donations. If you would like to make a donation you can do so in the box at the back of the church or give it to an Elder.

We estimate the cost of the paint would be circa £1,000.00; the work would start after Easter. 

If you are a tax payer and have not already signed a gift aid form but would like to do so, please see the Treasurer, George Taylor. Recovering the tax adds 25% to the value of your gift. Thank you for your help and generosity. 

The Stated Annual Meeting of the Congregation, 27 April 2025 in Winchburgh Church after the service. 

This week’s worship: 

Readings:         Old Testament: Psalm 63:1-8. New Testament: Luke 13:1-9

Hymns CH4: 110, 81, 198, 465, 644. Blessing 786.

May the God of Peace go with us as we travel from this place may the love of Jesus keep us firm in hope and full of grace.           

    Ian Jamieson. (b1939)                                                                                                      

Abercorn Pardovan Kingscavil and Winchburgh Parish: Service times and Intimations 16 March 2025Posted by Billy Taylor on 15th March 2025

Our services for Sunday 16 March 2025, Kingscavil Church 10.00am, Winchburgh Church 11.30am. All Welcome

Church notices, week commencing 16th March 2025

Coffee and Chat Friday 21st March 2025, 10.00am – 12 noon. 

Carers of West Lothian (CoWL) Not at Friday Coffee and Chat this week.

Dementia Friendly Winchburgh Project being facilitated by the Development Trust at Coffee and Chat 21 March. Initiative funded by the West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership to inspire early interventions in the dementia journey. They are particularly keen to connect with unpaid carers.

Craft Club meets Monday 17th March 1.30pm in Winchburgh Church

Coffee Morning. - Saturday 22nd March 10.30-12.30pm in Winchburgh Church. Tea/ coffee scones, pancakes and cake. A few stalls to include Easter/ Mother’s Day gifts, jewellery, some home baking & Easter egg tombola. Donations of priced home baking will be accepted on the day preferably before 10.30am. Donations for the Easter tombola would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

Painting: The interior of Winchburgh Church is in dire need of painting. We initially thought this would be part of the renovations at the back of the church, but this is not likely to happen this year. The Kirk Session is mindful that our finances are not in great shape. We intend to paint the church ourselves using our own (free) labour and fund the cost of the paint from donations. If you would like to make a donation you can do so in the box at the back of the church or give it to an Elder.We estimate the cost of the paint would be circa £1,000.00; the work would start after Easter. 

If you are a tax payer and have not already signed a gift aid form but would like to do so, please see the Treasurer, George Taylor. Recovering the tax adds 25% to the value of your gift. Thank you for your help and generosity. 

Bathgate Orchestra Concert in Winchburgh Church Friday 28 March 2025 at 7.30pm – entrance by donation. See poster. 

Word Search Competition.  The winner of this was Joyce Harvey and she received a gift Voucher for M&S. £234 was realised for Church funds from this event. Thank you to all who contributed in any way.

An exhibition of Philpstoun memorabilia will be held in Philpstoun Community Centre Saturday 29th and Sunday 30thMarch, 1pm – 4pm. Refreshments available. 

The Stated Annual Meeting of the Congregation, 27 April 2025 in Winchburgh Church after the service.

This week’s worship:

Readings:         Old Testament: Psalm 27 New Testament: Luke 13:31-35

Hymns CH4: 113, 189, 259, 462, 555. Blessing 786.

May the God of Peace go with us as we travel from this place may the love of Jesus keep us firm in hope and full of grace.           

    Ian Jamieson. (b1939)                                                                                                      

Coffee Morning 22 March 2025Posted by Billy Taylor on 8th March 2025

click on title for poster

Abercorn Pardovan Kingscavil and Winchburgh Parish: Service times and Intimations 9 march 2025Posted by Billy Taylor on 8th March 2025

Our services for Sunday 9 March 2025 Abercorn Church 10.00am, Winchburgh Church 11.30am. All Welcome

Coffee and Chat Friday 14th March 2025, 10.00am – 12 noon. 

Carers of West Lothian (CoWL) Are you an unpaid carer or disabled adult living in West Lothian? If so, then book into one of weekly advice session and have a chat with a member of the team! At Friday Coffee and Chat. See poster

“Thank you to everyone who attended the World Day of Prayer Service.  £146.10 was given in the offering, which will go to support welfare projects on the Cook Islands.  There are a few extra copies of the order of service at the back of Winchburgh church for anyone who would like one.”

Coffee Morning. - Saturday 22nd March 10.30-12.30pm in Winchburgh Church. Tea/ coffee scones, pancakes and cake. A few stalls to include Easter/ Mother’s Day gifts, jewellery, some home baking & Easter egg tombola. Donations of priced home baking will be accepted on the day preferably before 10.30am. Donations for the Easter tombola would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

Painting: The interior of Winchburgh Church is in dire need of painting. We initially thought this would be part of the renovations at the back of the church, but this is not likely to happen this year. The Kirk Session is mindful that our finances are not in great shape. We intend to paint the church ourselves using our own (free) labour and fund the cost of the paint from donations. If you would like to make a donation you can do so in the box at the back of the church or give it to an Elder. We estimate the cost of the paint would be circa £1,000.00; the work would start after Easter. If you are a tax payer and have not already signed a gift aid form but would like to do so, please see the Treasurer, George Taylor. Recovering the tax adds 25% to the value of your gift. Thank you for your help and generosity.  

Bathgate Orchestra Concert in Winchburgh Church Friday 28 March 2025 at 7.30pm – entrance by donation. See poster. 

Word Search Competition. Entries were to be in by Sunday 2nd March. If you haven’t done so,Please hand them in even if they don't find all the places. They might still win! Results soon. 

An exhibition of Philpstoun memorabilia will be held in Philpstoun Community Centre Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March, 1pm – 4pm. Refreshments available. 

This week’s worship: 

Readings:         Old Testament: Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16

New Testament: Luke 4:1-13

Hymns CH4: 197, 124, 641, 338, 662, 248. Blessing 786.

May the God of Peace go with us as we travel from this place may the love of Jesus keep us firm in hope and full of grace.           

    Ian Jamieson. (b1939)   

Abercorn Pardovan Kingscavil and Winchburgh Parish: Service times and Intimations 2 March 2025Posted by Billy Taylor on 1st March 2025

Our services for Sunday 2 March 2025 Kingscavil Church 10.00am, Winchburgh Church 11.30am. All Welcome

Coffee and Chat Friday 7th March 2025, 10.00am – 12 noon. 

Carers of West Lothian (CoWL) Are you an unpaid carer or disabled adult living in West Lothian? If so, then book into one of weekly advice session and have a chat with a member of the team! At Friday Coffee and Chat. See poster

Winchburgh Church Flower Calendar 2025, available, a few spaces left.

This year ‘s World Day of Prayer service, written by the Christian women of the Cook Islands, will be held in Winchburgh Church on Friday, 7th March at 12.15pm, immediately after Coffee and Chat.  If you would like to be one the team of readers, please speak to Jean Kershaw. 

Coffee Morning. - Saturday 22nd March 10.30-12.30pm in Winchburgh Church. Tea/ coffee scones, pancakes and cake. A few stalls to include Easter/ Mother’s Day gifts, jewellery, some home baking & Easter egg tombola. Donations of priced home baking will be accepted on the day preferably before 10.30am. Donations for the Easter tombola would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

Painting: The interior of Winchburgh Church is in dire need of painting. We initially thought this would be part of the renovations at the back of the church, but this is not likely to happen this year. 

The Kirk Session is mindful that our finances are not in great shape. 

We intend to paint the church ourselves using our own (free) labour and fund the cost of the paint from donations. If you would like to make a donation you can do so in the box at the back of the church or give it to an Elder.

We estimate the cost of the paint would be circa £1,000.00; the work would start after Easter. 

If you are a tax payer and have not already signed a gift aid form but would like to do so, please see the Treasurer, George Taylor. Recovering the tax adds 25% to the value of your gift. Thank you for your help and generosity. 

Bathgate Orchestra Concert in Winchburgh Church Friday 28 March 2025 at 7.30pm – entrance by donation. See poster. 

Word Search. Entries to be in by Sunday 2nd March. Please encourage people to hand them in even if they don't find all the places. They might still win! 

Abercorn Pardovan Kingscavil and Winchburgh Parish: Service times and Intimations 23 February 2025Posted by Billy Taylor on 22nd February 2025

Our services for Sunday 23 February Abercorn Church 10.00am, Winchburgh Church 11.30am. All Welcome

Church notices, week commencing 23rdFebruary 2025

Coffee and Chat Friday 28th February 2025, 10.00am – 12 noon. 

Carers of West Lothian (CoWL) Are you an unpaid carer or disabled adult living in West Lothian? If so, then book into one of weekly advice session and have a chat with a member of the team! At Friday Coffee and Chat from 10 January 2025. See poster

Winchburgh Church Flower Calendar 2025, available, a few spaces left.

This year ‘s World Day of Prayer service, written by the Christian women of the Cook Islands, will be held in Winchburgh Church on Friday, 7th March at 12.15pm, immediately after Coffee and Chat.  If you would like to be one the team of readers, please speak to Jean Kershaw. 

Fr Jeremy is conducting an Ecumenical Service in Abercorn Church Saturday 1st March, 12.30pm, refreshments afterwards.

Coffee Morning. - Saturday 22nd March 10.30-12.30pm in Winchburgh Church. Tea/ coffee scones, pancakes and cake. A few stalls to include Easter/ Mother’s Day gifts, jewellery, some home baking & Easter egg tombola. Donations of priced home baking will be accepted on the day preferably before 10.30am. Donations for the Easter tombola would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

Painting: The interior of Winchburgh Church is in dire need of painting. We initially thought this would be part of the renovations at the back of the church, but this is not likely to happen this year. 

The Kirk Session is mindful that our finances are not in great shape. 

We intend to paint the church ourselves using our own (free) labour and fund the cost of the paint from donations. If you would like to make a donation you can do so in the box at the back of the church or give it to an Elder. We estimate the cost of the paint would be circa £1,000.00; the work would start after Easter. If you are a tax payer and have not already signed a gift aid form but would like to do so, please see the Treasurer, George Taylor. Recovering the tax adds 25% to the value of your gift. Thank you for your help and generosity.  

Word Search. We have a word search with a difference to find place names in Scotland England Ireland & Wales. £2 per sheet with the prize of a Marks & Spencer gift Voucher for the winner. It would be greatly appreciated if some people took a few to sell. Entries to be in by Sunday 2nd March. Please encourage people to hand them in even if they don't find all the places. They might still win! Copies available from Hilda. 

Abercorn Pardovan Kingscavil and Winchburgh Parish: Service times and Intimations 16 February 2025Posted by Billy Taylor on 15th February 2025

Our services for Sunday 16 February 25 Kingscavil Church 10.00am, Winchburgh Church 11.30am. All Welcome

Coffee and Chat Friday 21st February 2025, 10.00am – 12 noon. 

Carers of West Lothian (CoWL) Not at Friday Coffee and Chat this week.

Dementia Friendly Winchburgh Project being facilitated by the Development Trust at Coffee and Chat 21 February. Initiative funded by the West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership to inspire early interventions in the dementia journey. They are particularly keen to connect with unpaid carers.

Winchburgh Church Flower Calendar 2025, available, a few spaces left.

This year ‘s World Day of Prayer service, written by the Christian women of the Cook Islands, will be held in Winchburgh Church on Friday, 7th March at 12.15pm, immediately after Coffee and Chat.  If you would like to be one the team of readers, please speak to Jean Kershaw. 

Fr Jeremy is conducting an Ecumenical Service in Abercorn Church Saturday 1st March, 12.30pm; He is looking for volunteers to read from APKW, refreshments afterwards.

Coffee Morning. - Saturday 22nd March 10.30-12.30pm in Winchburgh Church. Tea/ coffee scones, pancakes and cake. A few stalls to include Easter/ Mother’s Day gifts, jewellery, some home baking & Easter egg tombola. 

Word Search. We have a word search with a difference to find place names in Scotland England Ireland & Wales. £2 per sheet with the prize of a Marks & Spencer gift Voucher for the winner. It would be greatly appreciated if some people took a few to sell. Entries to be in by Sunday 2nd March. Please encourage people to hand them in even if they don't find all the places. They might still win! Copies available from Hilda. 

Painting: The interior of Winchburgh Church is in dire need of painting. We initially thought this would be part of the renovations at the back of the church, but this is not likely to happen this year. 

The Kirk Session is mindful that our finances are not in great shape. 

We intend to paint the church ourselves using our own (free) labour and fund the cost of the paint from donations. If you would like to make a donation you can do so in the box at the back of the church or give it to an Elder.

We estimate the cost of the paint would be circa £1,000.00; the work would start after Easter. 

If you are a tax payer and have not already signed a gift aid form but would like to do so please see the Treasurer, George Taylor. Recovering the tax adds 25% to the value of your gift. Thank you for your help and generosity. 

Abercorn Pardovan Kingscavil and Winchburgh Parish: Service times and Intimations 9 February 2025Posted by Billy Taylor on 8th February 2025

Our services for Sunday 9 February 2025 Abercorn Church 10.00am, Winchburgh Church 11.30am. All Welcome

Kirk session meets 11th February 2025, 7.30pm in Winchburgh Church 

Coffee and Chat Friday 14th February 2025, 10.00am – 12 noon. 

Carers of West Lothian (CoWL) Are you an unpaid carer or disabled adult living in West Lothian? If so, then book into one of weekly advice session and have a chat with a member of the team! At Friday Coffee and Chat every Friday. See poster

Craft Club - Please note there is a craft club meeting on Monday 10th February in the church at 1.30.  All new members welcome.

Coffee Morning. - Saturday 22nd March 10.30-12.30pm in Winchburgh Church. Tea/ coffee scones, pancakes and cake. A few stalls to include Easter/ Mother’s Day gifts, jewellery, some home baking & Easter egg tombola. 

Word Search. We have a word search with a difference to find place names in Scotland England Ireland & Wales. £2 per sheet with the prize of a Marks & Spencer gift Voucher for the winner. It would be greatly appreciated if some people took a few to sell. Entries to be in by Sunday 2nd March. Please encourage people to hand them in even if they don't find all the places. They might still win!

Winchburgh Church Flower Calendar 2025, available, a few spaces left.

This week’s worship: 

Readings:       Isaiah 6 v 1-8, Luke 5 v 1-11 

Hymns CH4: 110, 533, MP 238, CH4 582, 249. Blessing 786.

May the God of Peace go with us as we travel from this place may the love of Jesus keep us firm in hope and full of grace.    

    Ian Jamieson. (b1939)

Abercorn Pardovan Kingscavil and Winchburgh Parish: Service times and Intimations 2 February 2025Posted by Billy Taylor on 1st February 2025

Our services for Sunday 2 February 2025 Kingscavil Church 10.00am, Winchburgh Church 11.30am. All Welcome

Kirk session meets 11th February 2025 ,7.30pm in Winchburgh Church 

Coffee and Chat Friday 7th February 2025, 10.00am – 12 noon. 

Craft Club - Please note there is a craft club meeting on Monday 10th February in the church at 1.30.  All new members welcome.

Carers of West Lothian (CoWL) Are you an unpaid carer or disabled adult living in West Lothian? If so, then book into one of weekly advice session and have a chat with a member of the team! At Friday Coffee and Chat every Friday. See poster

Winchburgh Church Flower Calendar 2025, available, a few spaces left.

Peter’s Ceilidh Night - last Saturday realised £561.00 for church funds; as part of the £10.00 Talent Scheme this makes the total for the £10.00 talent scheme £2241.96. Congratulations to all who took part and contributed to the scheme.

This week’s worship: 

Readings:       Old Testament: Jeremiah 1:4-10 New Testament: Luke 4:14-30

Hymns CH4: 197, 167, 187, 182, 533, 153. Blessing 786.

May the God of Peace go with us as we travel from this place may the love of Jesus keep us firm in hope and full of grace.    

    Ian Jamieson. (b1939)


Coffee and chatPosted by Peter Kershaw on 23rd February 2021

Join us for a catch up over coffee on Fridays at 10.00 am in Winchburgh Church